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Chapeau Rohododendron Flower Fairy Sprite Sheet

Flower Orchard (In Development)

Flower Orchard is a video game that is currently in progress. It like "NiGHTS into Dreams," but you play as an oak flower fairy named Orchard who helps out their flower fairy friends by making flowers bloom. The flower fairies in this game all are bird like for a few of different reasons. One is a nod to tails of fairies disguising themselves to hide from humans. Another is because I didn't want them to look too human like. The last is that I already had drawn some flower fairies like this in the past and thought it would be fun to continue this design scheme in a game.

Eiran and Ranger: Detective Agency (In Development)

This game will be based off of a comic I made in college known as "To the End." These are some of the sprites for Eiran the wizard detective and his duck familiar Ranger. The sprites are designed that any of Ranger's sprites can be overlaid on top of any of Eiran's so that the two can be separated when the story calls for it. You can read some of the comic pages here as well by clicking the arrow to the right.

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